This page is to represent the work related to assignements for course Social Data Analysis and Visualization.

These exercises has been performed by DTU students:

Assignment 2

Assignment 2A: Simple SVG stuff

Put something simple on the web. For this exercise, I want you to modify a bit of code from IDV Chapter 5.

Below you'll find the simple svg implementation derived from the above description. Please note that partying hard for too long may cause dizziness.

Assignment 2B: One scatter plot and two datasets

This scatter plot visualization should pull data from an associated CSV/JSON file (it's easiest to use Python to generate a nicely formatted file that contains only the data you need for the visualization). You should use appropriate dynamic scales (see chapter 7 of IDV). Additional requirements for the visualizations are listed below

Below you'll find the scatter plot visualized as described above.

Some interesting notes to take a way is much progress has been made in regard to both vehicle theft and prostitution from 2003 to 2015. For example, the Mission district has experienced a rise in prostitution which peaked in 2009, at a relative low point in prostitution and vehicle theft crimes for every other district.

Use the dropdown below to switch between years:

It really depends on what we want to compare. If we want the relative distance between each district for a given year, we maybe would like to fit the axes. However, it is implied we want to compare two different years. Therefore it makes sense to show how big a change that have occurred during period. This would be hidden with fitting axes.

Even though the X and Y's do tell the actual number of crimes of each type, it becomes difficult from a visualization point-of-view to determine the absolute change.

Assignment 2C: One barchart and (at least) two datasets

This barchart visualization should also pull data from an associated CSV/JSON file. Here, Once again, you should use appropriate dynamic scales (see chapter 7 of IDV). Additional requirements for the visualizations are listed below

The histogram below shows crimes reported on the hour in the period between 2003 and 2015. For example at 1AM in the period 2003 to 2015 about 8000 assault crimes were recorded.

Use the dropdown to change the crime category:

Assignment 2D: Visualizing geodata

For this final sub-assignment we will visualize your results from the KK-means exercise from week 5.
  • We try our luck with an geospatial visualization displaying results for K=2,…,6. The overall idea is each value of KK has an associated view (you should be able to toggle between these) where each of the KK centroids is shown as a large colored dot (you choose the color scheme), and all GPS points belonging to that centroid are colored using a related RGB value. My plot looks like this.
  • Also please add a link to your IPython notebook containing only the solution to the KK-means exercise from week 5 so we can check it out, if necessary.

Below we visualize prostitutions in San Francisco. The data visulization shows every crime of this type from 2003 to 2015. The dataset is divided in clusters, that are defined by the K-nearest neighbors. Additionally we also show the centroids, that are the center of the given cluster. The datasets used in this visualization can be found here.

Here you can choose the different sizes of K